

Jan Rosset, Jérémie Poltier and Jonas Pontusson, 2024.
"Unevenly Unequal Responsiveness: Public Opinion and Redistributive Policy Shifts in Western Europe Since 2008."  Forthcoming in Politics and Society.

Max Joosten, 2024.
"Forging Support: How Party Cues Shape Fiscal Policy Preferences."  Forthcoming in European Political Science Review.

Mariana Alvarado, 2024.
"Compensation and Tax Fairness: Evidence from Four Countries."  British Journal of Political Science.  (doi: 10.1017/S0007123423000698).

Elif Naz Kayran and Anna-Lena Nadler, 2024.
"Local Alien Enfranchisement and External Efficacy Perceptions: Intended and Unintended Effects on Non-citizens and Citizens."  Political Behavior.  (doi: 10.1007/s11109-023-09910-w).

Jonas Pontusson, 2024.
"The Comparative Politics of Inequality and Redistribution."  Worlds Politics. (doi: 0.1353/wp.0.a923781).

 Ari Ray and Jonas Pontusson, 2024.
"Trade Unions and the Partisan Preferences of their Members: Sweden, 1986-2021," Socio-Economic Review.  (doi: 10.1093/ser/mwae027).

Luzia Helfer, Nathalie Giger and Christian Breunig, 2023.
"Fairness of inequality and support for redistribution: directly comparing citizens and legislators."  West European Politics. (doi: 10.1080/01402382.2023.2170852).

Noam Lupu and Jonas Pontusson, eds., 2023.
"Unequal Democracies: Public Policy, Responsiveness, and Redistribution in an Era of Rising Economic Inequality." Cambridge University Press.  (doi: 10.1017/9781009428682).

Noam Lupu and Jonas Pontusson, 2023.
"Introduction: The Political Puzzle of Rising Inequality." In Lupu and Pontusson, eds., 1-25.  (doi: 10.1017/9781009428682).

Nicholas Carnes and Noam Lupu, 2023.
"Working-Class Officeholding in the OECD."  In Lupu and Pontusson, eds., 177-195. (doi: 10.1017/9781009428682).

Ruben Berge Mathisen, Wouter Schakel, Svenja Hense, Lea Elsässer, Mikael Persson and Jonas Pontusson, 2023. 
"Unequal Responsiveness and Government Partisanship in Northwest Europe."  In Lupu and Pontusson, eds., 29-53.  (doi: 10.1017/9781009428682).

 Max Joosten, 2023.
"Who influences whom? Inequality in the mutual responsiveness between voters and elites," Journal of European Public Policy. (doi: 10.1080/13501763.2023.2260810).

Dominik Schraff and Jonas Pontusson, 2023.
"Falling Behind Whom? Economic Geographies of Right-Wing Populism in Europe," Journal of European Public Policy.  (doi: 10.1080/13501763.2023.2278647).

 Elif Naz Kayran, 2022.
"Labour market institutions and immigration policy attitudes: The moderated impact of economic vulnerability." Nations and Nationalism.  (doi: 10.1111/nana.12844).

Elif Naz Kayran and Anna-Lena Nadler, 2022.
"Non-citizen Voting Rights and Political Participation of Citizens: Evidence from Switzerland." European Political Science Review. (doi: 10.1017/S1755773922000029).

Noam Lupu and Zach Warner, 2022.
"Why are the Affluent Better Represented Around the World?" European Journal of Political Research.  (doi: Link: 10.1111/1475-6765.12440).

Jan Rosset. 2022
"Perceptions of (unequal) responsiveness and their consequences for electoral participation", Journal of European public policy.(doi: 10.1080/13501763.2022.2094989)

Björn Bremer and Line Rennwald. 2022
"Who still likes social democracy? The support base of social democratic parties reconsidered", Party Politics. (doi: 10.1177/13540688221093770)

Nadja Mosimann and Jonas Pontusson. 2022
"Varieties of trade unions and support for redistribution", West European Politics (doi: 10.1080/01402382.2022.2048344)

Nadja Mosimann, Line Rennwald and Jonas Pontusson. 2022
"Preface", West European Politics (doi: 10.1080/01402382.2022.2048501)

Line Rennwald and Jonas Pontusson. 2022
"Class gaps in perceptions of political voice: liberal democracies 1974–2016", West European Politics.

Brian Burgoon, Noam Lupu, Jonas Pontusson and Wouter Schakel. 2022
"Understanding unequal representation", European Journal of Political Research (doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12521).

Reto Wuest and Jonas Pontusson. 2022
"Voter preferences as a source of descriptive (mis)representation by social class", European Journal of Political Research (doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12511).
Davy-Kim Lascombes. 2022

“Caught in the Middle! Wealth Inequality and Conflict over Redistribution”, Social Justice Research. Co-authored with Hanna Lierse and Bastian Becker

Jan Rosset. 2021
When  Explanations for Poverty Help Explain Social Policy Preferences: The  Case of European Public Opinion Amidst the Economic Recession  (2009–2014), Social Justice Research, vol. 34, n° 4, p. 428-459. Co-authored with Lionel Marquis.

Anna-Lena Nadler. 2021
"Nomination trade-offs: How context affects political parties’ strategies to nominate immigrant-origin candidates", Party Politics.

Nathalie Giger. 2021
"Social Status, Political Priorities and Unequal Representation", European Journal of Political Research. Co-authored with Denise Traber, Miriam Hänni and Christian Breunig.

Nathalie Giger. 2021
"The Diminishing Value of Representing the Disadvantaged: Between Group Representation and Individual Career Paths", British Journal of Political Science. Co-authored with Stefanie Bailer, Christian Breunig and Andreas M. Wüst.

Jan Rosset and Anna-Sophie Kurella. 2020.
"The electoral roots of unequal representation: a spatial modelling approach to party systems and voting in western europe", European Journal of Political Research.

Line Rennwald. 2020.
"Social Democratic Parties and the Working Class: New Voting Patterns.", London: Palgrave.  

Line Rennwald and Jonas Pontusson.  2020.
“Paper Stones Revisited: Class Voting, Unionization and the Electoral Decline of the Mainstream Left.”, Perspectives on Politics (first view, doi:10.1017/S1537592720000067)

Zoe Lefkofridi and Nathalie Giger. 2020.
"Democracy or Oligarchy? Unequal Representation of Income Groups in European Institutions", Politics and Governance, 08 (01): 19-27.

Jan Rosset and Christian Stecker.  2019.
"How well are citizens represented by their governments? Issue congruence and inequality in Europe", European Political Science Review, v. 11, no 2, 145-160

Anna-Sophie Kurella and Jan Rosset.  2018.  
"The rise of cultural issues as an opportunity for the right? Insights from the 2015 swiss election", Swiss Political Science Review, v. 24, n° 4, 381-399.

Nadja Mosimann, Line Rennwald and Adrian Zimmermann.  2018. 
"The radical right, the labour movement, and the competition for the workers’ vote" Economic and Industrial Democracy, v.40, no. 1 (2018), 65-90

Nicolas Pekari, Jan Rosset  and Florina Schmid.  2018. 
"Economic  context and attitudes towards the welfare state: the relationship  between (perceived) unemployment risk and demand for social policy.", Tillmann, R., Voorpostel, M. & Farago, P. (Ed.). Social dynamics in swiss society. Cham : Springer, p. 215-229.

 Jonas Pontusson.  2018. 
 “The Fed, Finance and Inequality in Comparative Perspective,” PS: Political Science & Politics, v. 51, no. 4, 743-746.

Jan Rosset.  2018.
"La représentation descriptive des groupes sociaux comme problème de la démocratie électorale", Parlement, v. 21, n° 3, 14-17.

Jonas  Pontusson and David Weisstanner.  2018.
“Macroeconomic Conditions, Inequality Shocks and the Politics of Redistribution, 1990-2013.” Journal of European Public Policy, v. 25, no. 1, 31-58.

Kurella, Anna-Sophie and Jan Rosset.  2017.
"Blind spots in the party system: Spatial voting and issue salience if voters face scarce choices", Electoral Studies, v. 49, 1-16.