Jan Rosset was a post-doctoral researcher in the Unequal Democracies project from March 2018 to July 2022, contributing to several sub-projects. Since September 2022, he is an Associate Professor at University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais-Wallis).
Curriculum Vitae
Publications related to Unequal Democracies:
- “Unevenly Unequal Responsiveness: Public Opinion and Redistributive Policy Shifts in Western Europe Since 2008.” Politics and Society. Co-authored with Jérémie Poltier and Jonas Pontusson. (doi: 10.1177/00323292241283293)
- "Income Growth and Inequality as Joint Determinants of Preferences of Redistribution in Europe", Working paper n°40 (2023). Co-authored with Jérémie Poltier (University of Geneva) and Jonas Pontusson (University of Geneva).
- "Perceptions of (Unequal) Responsiveness and their Consequences for Electoral Participation", Working paper n°34 (2022).Journal of European public policy. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2022.2094989
- When Explanations for Poverty Help Explain Social Policy Preferences: The Case of European Public Opinion Amidst the Economic Recession (2009–2014), Social Justice Research, vol. 34, n° 4, p. 428-459 doi: 10.1007/s11211-021-00381-0 (2021). Co-authored with Lionel Marquis.
- "Do poor and rich vote differently?", Working paper n°28 (2021). Co-authored with Nathalie Giger and Anna-Sophie Kurella
- "Explanations for Poverty and Demand for Social Policy", Working paper n°23 (2021). Co-authored with Lionel Marquis.
- "The electoral roots of unequal representation: a spatial modelling approach to party systems and voting in western europe", European Journal of Political Research, (2020). Co-authored with Anna-Sophie Kurella.
- "Introducing the Inequality and Politics Survey: Preliminary Findings", Working paper n°16 (2020). Co-authored with Jonas Pontusson, Nathalie Giger and Davy-Kim Lascombes.
- "Elections as a source of political inequality. Party supply and spatial voting in Europe.", Working paper n°13 (2020). Co-authored with Anna-Sophie Kurella.
- "How well are citizens represented by their governments? Issue congruence and inequality in Europe", European Political Science Review, v. 11, no 2 (2019), 145-160. Co-authored with Christian Stecker.
- "The rise of cultural issues as an opportunity for the right? Insights from the 2015 swiss election", Swiss Political Science Review, v. 24, n° 4 (2018), 381-399. Co-authored with Anna‐Sophie Kurella.
- "Economic context and attitudes towards the welfare state: the relationship between (perceived) unemployment risk and demand for social policy.", Tillmann, R., Voorpostel, M. & Farago, P. (Ed.). Social dynamics in swiss society. Cham : Springer (2018), p. 215-229. Co-authored with Nicolas PEKARI and Flurina SCHMID.
- "La représentation descriptive des groupes sociaux comme problème de la démocratie électorale", Parlement. Bulletin d'information de la Société suisse pour les questions parlementaires, v. 21, n° 3 (2018), 14-17.
- "Blind spots in the party system: Spatial voting and issue salience if voters face scarce choices", Electoral Studies, v. 49 (2017), 1-16. Co-authored with Anna-Sophie Kurella.
- "Economically based inequalities in political representation: Where do they come from?", Machin, A. & Stehr, N. (Ed.). Understanding inequality: social costs and benefits. Wiesbaden : Springer (2016), 241-256.
- "Economic inequality and political representation in Switzerland". Cham : Springer (2016).
- “I the people? Self-interest and attitudes towards responsiveness”, Comparative Political Studies. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0010414015621078 (2016). Co-authored with Nathalie Giger and Julian Bernauer.
- “Mind the Gap: Do Proportional Electoral Systems Foster a More Equal Representation of Women and Men, Poor and Rich?”, International Political Science Review. 36(1), 78-98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0192512113498830 (2015). Co-authored with Julian Bernauer and Nathalie Giger.
- “Descriptive and Substantive Representation of Poor Citizens in Switzerland”. Swiss Political Science Review 21(2) 254-260. doi.org/10.1111/spsr.12159 (2015). Co-authored with Lloren Anouk and Reto Wuest.
- “Are the Policy Preferences of Relatively Poor Citizens Under-represented in the Swiss Parliament?”, Journal of Legislative Studies, 19(4), 490-504. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13572334.2013.812363 (2013).
- “More Money, Fewer Problems? Cross-Level Effects of Economic Deprivation on Political Representation”, West European Politics, 36(4), 817-35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2013.783353 (2013). Co-authored with Nathalie Giger et Julian Bernauer.
- “The Poor Representation of the Poor in a Comparative Perspective”, Representation 48(1), 47-61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00344893.2012.653238 (2012). Co-authored with Nathalie Giger and Julian Bernauer.