Unequal Democracies Workshop June 25-26, 2019


 Workshop papers available:

“The political impact of economic change.”, Larry Bartels (Vanderbilt).
“The political representation of economic interests: Subversion of democracy or middle-class supremacy?”, Torben Iversen (Harvard).
“The party road to representation: Unequal responsiveness in party platforms.”, Wouter Schakel  and Brian Burgoon (Amsterdam).
"What rich and poor consider important and  how this matters for representation.", Nathalie Giger (Geneva).
The Heavenly Chorus Sings for the Rich: Unequal Representation and the Right-Wing Populist Vote in Europe., Armin Schäfer (Münster).
“Does fiscal pressure constrain democratic representation? Evidence from Germany.”, Lea Elsässer (Duisburg-Essen).
“Public Opinion, Political Representatives and Policy Outcomes.”, Mikael Persson (Gothenburg).
“Legislator income, policy attitudes and voting behaviour.”, Jan Rosset and Reto Wüest (Geneva).
“Alike think alike? The effect of shared class background on policy preference congruence between citizens and legislators.”,
Luzia Helfer, Frédéric Varone, and Reto Wüest (Geneva).
“Curbing unequal representation: The impact of labor unions on legislative responsiveness in the US Congress.”, Michael Becher (Toulouse).
"Affluence and Congruence: Unequal Representation Around the World.", Noam Lupu (Vanderbilt).
“An increasingly forgotten middle class? Changes in individual perceptions of government responsiveness over the last two decades.”,
Line Rennwald (Geneva).
“Cabinet Ministers and Inequality.”, Despina Alexadiou (Strathclyde).
“Organized interests and policy congruence: Evidence from Denmark and Germany.”, Anne Rasmussen (Copenhagen).
“Voter preferences and redistributive outcomes: Exploring determinants of unequal representation.”,
Max Joosten, Konstantin Käppner, Jérémie Poltier and Jonas Pontusson (Geneva).