Reto Wüest received his PhD from the University of Geneva in 2016. He was a post-doctoral researcher for the Unequal Democracies project from 2016 to 2019, working on the sources and consequences of descriptive (mis-)representation. He is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Bergen.
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Publications related to Unequal Democracies:
- "Voter preferences as a source of descriptive (mis)representation by social class", European Journal of Political Research (2022). Co-authored with Jonas Pontusson.
- "Do Parties Dislike Working-Class Candidates?", Working paper n°14 8(2020).
- "Who Represents the Poor? Evidence from Swiss Direct Democracy", Working paper n°8 (2019). Co-authored with Anouk Lloren
- "Descriptive Misrepresentation by Social Class: Do Voter Preferences Matter", Working paper n°1 (2018). Co-authored with Jonas Pontusson.
- “Are Opinion Leaders Better Represented?” West European Politics, forthcoming, v. 39, n°4 (2016), 800-834. Co-authored with Anouk Lloren.
- “Descriptive and Substantive Representation of Poor Citizens in Switzerland.” Swiss Political Science Review, v. 21, no. 2 (2015), 254-260. Co-authored with Anouk Lloren and Jan Rosset.