
Jonas Pontusson


Prior to moving to Geneva in 2010, Jonas Pontusson taught at Cornell University (1984-2005) and Princeton University (2005-10). As principal investigator, Jonas was responsible for the organization and overall coherence of the Unequal Democracies program and implicated in all the research projects that the program encompasses.  As of July 31, 2023, he is a research-active emeritus professor at the University of Geneva.

Curriculum Vitae

Publications related to Unequal Democracies:

  • Unevenly Unequal Responsiveness: Public Opinion and Redistributive Policy Shifts in Western Europe Since 2008.”  Forthcoming in Politics and Society.  Co-authored with Jan Rosset and Jérémie Poltier. 
  • The Comparative Politics of Inequality and Redistribution.”  Worlds Politics (2024).
  • Trade Unions and the Partisan Preferences of their Members: Sweden, 1986-2021,” Socio-Economic Review (2024).  Co-authored with Ari Arundhati Ray. 
  • "Unequal Democracies: Public Policy, Responsiveness, and Redistribution in an Era of Rising Economic Inequality." Cambridge University Press (2023).  Co-edited with Noam Lupu.
  • Introduction: The Political Puzzle of Rising Inequality.” In Lupu and Pontusson, eds. (2023), 1-25.   Co-authored with Noam Lupu.
  • Unequal Responsiveness and Government Partisanship in Northwest Europe.”  In Lupu and Pontusson, eds. (2023), 29-53.  Co-authored with Ruben Berge Mathisen, Wouter Schakel, Svenja Hense, Lea Elsässer and Mikael Persson.
  • Falling Behind Whom? Economic Geographies of Right-Wing Populism in Europe.Journal of European Public Policy (2023).  Co-authored with Dominik Schraff.
  • "Income Growth and Inequality as Joint Determinants of Preferences of Redistribution in Europe", Working paper n°40 (2023). Co-authored with Jérémie Poltier (University of Geneva)and Jan Rosset (Haute École et École Supérieure du Travail Social).
  • "Varieties of trade unions and support for redistribution", West European Politics (2022). Co-authored with Nadja Mosimann. (doi: 10.1080/01402382.2022.2048344)
  • "Preface", West European Politics (2022). Co-authored with Nadja Mosimann and Line Rennwald. (doi: 10.1080/01402382.2022.2048501)
  • "Class gaps in perceptions of political voice: liberal democracies 1974–2016", West European Politics (2022). Co-authored with Line Rennwald.
  • "Understanding unequal representation", European Journal of Political Research (2022). Co-authored with Brian Burgoon, Noam Lupu and Wouter Schakel.
  • "Voter preferences as a source of descriptive (mis)representation by social class", European Journal of Political Research (2022). Co-authored with Reto Wuest.
  • "Unequal Responsiveness and Government Partisanship in Northwest Europe", Working paper n°31 (2021). Co-authored with Ruben Berge Mathisen,Wouter Schakel, Svenja Hense, Lea Elsässer and Mikael Persson.
  • "Voter Preferences and Redistributive Policy: Exploratory Analysis Based on a Comprehensive Dataset on Preferences", Working paper n°30 (2021). Co-authored with Konstantin Käppner, Max Joosten and Jérémie Poltier.
  • "Social Class, Union Power and Perceptions of Political Voice: Liberal Democracies, 1974-2016", Working paper n°22 (2021). Co-authored with Line Rennwald.
  • "Introducing the Inequality and Politics Survey: Preliminary Findings", Working paper n°16 (2020). Co-authored with Nathalie Giger, Jan Rosset and Davy-Kim Lascombes.
  • "Heterogeneity of the Trade Union Membership Effect on Support for Redistribution in Western Europe.", Working paper n°12 (2020). Co-authored with Nadja Mosimann.
  • “Paper Stones Revisited: Class Voting, Unionization and the Electoral Decline of the Mainstream Left.”, Perspectives on Politics (2020) (first view, doi:10.1017/S1537592720000067).  Co-authored with Line Rennwald.
  • "The Politics of Growth Models: An Analytical Framework with Germany and Sweden as Illustrative Cases", Working paper n°7 (2019). Co-authored with Lucio Baccaro.
  • "Paper Stones Revisited: Class Voting, Unionization and the Electoral Decline of the Mainstream Left", Working paper n°6 (2019). Co-authored with Line Rennwald.
  • “The Fed, Finance and Inequality in Comparative Perspective,” PS: Political Science & Politics, v. 51, no. 4 (2018), 743-746.
  • "Descriptive Misrepresentation by Social Class: Do Voter Preferences Matter", Working paper n°1 (2018). Co-authored with Reto Wuest
  • “Macroeconomic Conditions, Inequality Shocks and the Politics of Redistribution, 1990-2013.” Journal of European Public Policy, v. 25, no. 1 (2018), 31-58.  Co-authored David Weisstanner. 
  • “Solidaristic Unionism and Support for Redistribution in Contemporary Europe.” World Politics, v. 69, no. 3 (2017), 448-492.  Co-authored with Nadja Mosimann. 
  • “Introduction to the Debate: Does descriptive misrepresentation by class and income matter?” Swiss Political Science Review, v. 21, no. 2 (2015), 207-215.
  •  “Unionization, Inequality and Redistribution.”  British Journal of Industrial Relations, v. 51 (2013), 797-825. 
  •  “The Structure of Inequality and the Politics of Redistribution.” American Political Science Review, v. 105, no. 2 (2011), 316-336.  Co-authored with Noam Lupu. 
  • “Whose interests do unions represent? Unionization by income in Western Europe.” In Research in the     Sociology of Work, v. 22B (2011), 181-211.  Co-authored with Michael Becher. 
  • “The Politics of Inequality: Voter Mobilization and Left Parties in Advanced Industrial States.”  Comparative Political Studies, v. 43, no. 6 (2010), 675-705.  Co-authored with David Rueda. 
  • “Globalization, Labour Power and Partisan Politics Revisited” Socio-Economic Review, vol. 8, no. 2 (2010), 251-281.  Co-authored with Hyeok Yong Kwon. 
  •  “Rising Inequality and the Politics of Redistribution in Affluent Countries.” Perspectives on Politics, v. 3, no. 3 (2005), 449-471.  Co-authored with Lane Kenworthy. 
  • “Comparative Political Economy of Wage Distribution: The Role of Partisanship and Labor Market Institutions." British Journal of Political Science, 32 (2002), 281-303.  Co-authored with David Rueda and Christopher Way. 
  • “Wage Inequality and Varieties of Capitalism.” World Politics, v. 52 (April 2000), 350-383.  Co-authored with David Rueda.
  • Unequal Responsiveness and Government Partisanship in Northwest Europe.”  In Lupu and Pontusson, eds. (2023), 29-53.  Co-authored with Ruben Berge Mathisen, Wouter Schakel, Svenja Hense, Lea Elsässer and Mikael Persson.