
Unequal Democracies Workshop November 5-6, 2020

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November 5, 2020 – Zoom

9:00-9:30     Introduction

9:30-11:30     Panel #1 : Social mobility and social status

Thomas Kurer and Briitta van Staalduinen, "Class in an intergenerational perspective: The politics   of social mobility"
David Weisstanner and Brian Nolan, "Rising income inequality and subjective social status: The   nuanced relative status decline of the working class since the 1980s"
Nathalie Vigna and Daniel Oesch, "A decline in the social status of the working class? Contrary   evidence for 8 Western countries, 1987-2017"

Discussant: Geoff Evans

11:30-13:00      Break

13:00-15:00    Panel #2: Political behavior and class identity

Macarena Ares and Mathilde van Dietmars, "Intergenerational social mobility, political   socialization, and social-democratic party support"
Rune Stubager, Geoffrey Evans and Peter Egge Langsæther, "Why do the British feel so working   class? The role of inequality and culture for understanding levels of working class identification"
Anne-Marie Jeannet, "America’s Rusted: Why the working class has fled politics"

Discussant: Nonna Mayer

15:00-15:30     Break

15.30-16.45     Panel #3: Union membership and political attitudes 

Sinisa Hadziabdic, “Blowing where the wind already blows: The link between union membership   and partisan preferences”
Nadja Mosimann and Jonas Pontusson, “Heterogeneity in the union effect on support for   redistribution in Western Europe” 

Discussant: Daniel Oesch

16.45-17.45     Day 1 wrap-up (comments by Jonas Pontusson)


November 6, 2020 – Zoom

9.00-11:00      Panel #4: Collective action 

Katia Pilati and Sabrina Perra, "Labor conflicts in Italy since the Great Recession"     Emiliano Grossman, Nonna Mayer and Caterina Froio, "Are the yellow-vests a working-class   movement?"
Mario Diani, "Union activism in collective action fields: A comparative look"

Discussant: Nadja Mosimann

11:00-11:30       Break

11:30-12:45      Panel #5: Political elites and representation

Andrea Pilotti, Baptiste Antoniazza, Roberto Di Capua and Karim Lasseb, "From class   representativeness to class gap: The social transformation of Left political elites in   Switzerland (1910-2016)"
Lea Elsässer and Armin Schäfer, "The Political underrepresentation of the working   class"

Discussant: Jonas Pontusson

12.45-14:00      Break

14:00-16:00    Panel #6: Unions, Wage Formation and Government Policy”

Erik Neimanns and Lucio Baccaro, "Who wants wage moderation and why?"
Philip Rathgeb, “Friends or foes? Radical Right parties and trade unions"
Björn Bremer, “The electoral effects of Social Democratic austerity during the Great   Recession”

Discussant: Armin Schäfer

16:00-17:00     Day 2 wrap-up (comments by Lucio Baccaro)